Ziua 1- 11 februarie
Trenul nostru a ajuns in gara in jurul orei 14:30 si cu totii eram putin emotionati penru ca voiam sa ne intalnim gazdele. In scurt timp i-am zarit in multime pe elevul meu gazda si pe parintii lui. Ei pareau sa fie niste oameni pietenosi si foarte comunicativi, ceea ce mi-a placut!
Am ajuns acasa si am ramas surprins intr-un mod pozitiv de ospitalitatea cu care m-au primit. Aveau o casa mare, cu doua etaje, dar foarte frumoasa. Au chiar si un animal de companie: o pisica supraponderala!
Dupa ce am luat pranzul, eu si Luca, elevul care imi va fi gazda timp de o saptamana, am hotarat sa mergem in centrul orasului casa sa vedem cateva locuri interesante. Dupa aceea am mers impreuna sa mancam niste pizza. Se pare ca prima impresie pe care mi-a facut-o Luca atunci cand l-am vazut pentru prima oara s-a dovedit a fi cea corecta! Luca este foarte amuzant si comunicativ, iar aceste lucruri ma fac sa ma simt bine! Luca si cu mine avem pasiuni asemanatoare. Amandurora ne place ciclismul, dar el il practica la nivel de performanta, si amanduroara ne plac schiul si scufundarile! I-am promis lui Luca sa schiem impreuna candva!
Am ajuns acasa in jurul orei 7 seara si am luat cina impreuna pe la 8. A fost un momen bun pentru ca astfel am reusit sa ii cunosc mai bine sip e parintii lui Luca, iar ei, la randul lor, sa ma cunoasca pe mine.
Concluzia dupa prima zi este ca Luca si parintii lui sunt niste personae communicative si prietenoase si ma fac sa ma simt parte din familie!

Ziua 2- 12 februarie
m-am trezit la ora 7, iar in jur de 7:15 am luat micul dejun. Dupa ce am terminat, Luca si cu mine am mers la soala cu bicicletele si am participat la cateva dintre orele lui Luca. Sistemul de invatamant ese similar cu cel romanesc, dar in Italia exista mult mai multa comunicare intre elevi si professor.
La 9 am facut turul scolii cu elevii italieni si am constatat ca ei au o scoala foarte frumoasa. Simulatorul de zbor m-a impresionat cel mai mult deoarece cred ca este o activitate distractiva, deci elevii pot invata un lucru interesant intr-un mod practic!
Dupa turul scolii am avut de prezentat scolile, orasele si tarile noastre. Am vazut multe prezentari interesante, dar scoala din Ungaria m-a impresionat cel mai mult.
Dupa aceasta activitate, am avut o pauza si apoi am faut turul orasului. Pisa este un oras minunat cu o istorie minunata! Am vizitat cateva monumente medieval si renascentiste, dar cel mai mult mi-a placut catedrala. Architectura si pictuile din catedrala arata maretia Italiei medievale!
Dupa turul orasului, Luca, prietenii lui si cu mine am mers la o cafenea si ne-am cunoscut mai bine.
Lua si cu mine am mers acas ala ora 7 si la ora  am luat cina. A fost o zi minunata  si am avut multe lucruri de invatat!

Ziua 3- 13 februarie
Luca si cu mine ne-am trezit si am luat micul dejun. Dupa aceea, mama lui Luca ne-a dus la scoala cu masina pentru ca eram in intarziere.
La scoala am avut doua ateliere legate de rasism si discriminare si cum putem opri aceste actiuni. Am invatat diferenta dintre stereotip si prejudiciu. A fost interesant deoarece am schimbat opinii cu elevi din mai multe tari si astfel a fost o activitate interactive.
Dupa aceste ateliere am avut cateva activitati sportive ca volei, bachet, tenis de masa si jonglerii. A fost o activitate interesanta pentru ca miam data seama ca nu onteaza ce limba vorbesti, sportul este acelasi in toate tarile!
In jurul orei 6, am mes in centrul orasului ca sa bem ceva si ca sa facem cateva cumparaturi. A fost foarte frumos, nu pentru ca faceam cumparaturi, ci pentru ca eram impreuna si toata lumea era fericita! Deja devenisem ca niste frati si surori si acest lucru era minunat!
Pe la ora 7, eu si Luca am mers acasa si am luat cina. Dupa aceea am mai stat o vreme la povesti si ne-am culcat pe la ora 22:00.

Ziua 4- 14 februarie
Ne-am trezit, am luat micul dejun sip e la ora 8 am mers la gara pentru a merge in Florenta. La gara ne-am intalnit cu profesorii si colegii lui Luca si cu restul elevilor si profesorilor din proiect si am urcat in tren. La 10:30 trenul a ajuns in Florenta. Este un oras foarte frumos, am mers pe strazile pietruite si am simtit atmosfera medievala cu cavaleri si domnite a batranului oras. Arhitectura cladirilor, dar si statuile m-au imresionat deoarece nu le mai vazusem decat in fotografii si in manualele de isotrie.
Am mancat inghetata in centrul Florentei si am facut cumparaturi. A fost frumos.
Pe la ora 18:00, trenul a ajuns in gara din Pisa si am ramas cu totii in oras ca sa petrecem mai mult timp impreuna. Se pare ca devenisem o mare familie s cred ca va fi foarte greu sa ne despartim la finalul saptamanii…
Pe la ora 20:00 Luca si cu mine am mers acasa pentru cina.

Ziua 5- 15 februarie
Ne-am trezit, am luat micul dejun si am mers la scoala. Acolo am participat la un atelier foarte interesant in care am incercat sa aflam tara de origine a unor cantece, dar am si vorbit despre sentimentele pe care ni le transmit anumite armonii. Am fost surprins sa aflu ca nu este nevoie sa intelegi versurile ca sa intelegi mesajul cantecului respective. Muzica inseamna mai mult decat o limba anume, muzica inseamna o stare de spirit!
Dupa acest atelier, am avut o pauza, dupa care am mers la Teatrul Verdi. Acolo am participat la un atelier sustinut de un professor de teatru si am invatat ca teatrul nu este o activitate in care cineva trebuie sa castige. Inseamna o stare de spirit si cu totii suntem castigatori, nu conteaza daca suntem artisti sau doar simpli spectator.
Dupa acest atelier, am mers cu totii in centrul orasului pentru a petrece putin timp impreuna si am incercat sa transformam aceste momente in cele mai frumoase moment din viata noastra!
La ora 8:30 eu si Luca am mers acasa si am luat cina. Le-am povestit si parintilor lui despre momentele frumoase de astazi.
A fost o zi superba si sunt putin trist pentru ca trebuie sa ma intorc inapoi in Romania…

Ziua 6- 16 februarie
Dupa ce am luat micul dejun, eu si Luca am mers la scoala. De acolo, am mers impreuna cu profesorii la primarie pentru o conferinta cu primarul Pisei. A fost o experienta placuta pentru noi pentru ca asa am vazut ca astfel de proiecte sunt sustinute cel putin de catre oamenii politici italieni. Dupa conferinta, ne-am indreptat catre gara ca sa mergem in Lucca, un alt oras medieval. Am invatat putina istorie vizitand Lucca si mi-am imbunatatit cultura generala. Am vazut cateva obiective turistice din oras si chiar si un muzeu. Am avut putin timp ca sa ne plimbam pe starzile pietruite sis a admiram frumusetea magica a orasului. Pentru ca stiam cu totii ca e ultima zi, am incercat sa petrecem mai mult timp impreuna si sa traim moment frumoase.
Seara ne-am intors in Pisa si am mers cu totii sa luam cina impreuna. A fost un moment foarte frumos, dar si trist pentru ca nu stiam daca ne vom mai revedea vreodata, sau daca ne vom revedea, cand se va intampla acest lucru. Am incercat sa traim ultimele moment impreuna in cel mai frumos mod cu putinta, cantand si razand si ne-am promis unii altora ca ne vom revedea intr-o zi si vom trai din nou aceste emotii unice! Am incercat sa nu plangem, dar nu am reusit. Eu am plans foarte mult pentru ca mi-am facut multi prieteni adevarati. Mi-am promis ca voi reveni in Italia si ii voi vizita pe toti prieenii mei italieni!
Dupa aceasta cina minunata, eu si Luca am mers acasa si am petrecut ultimele moment impreuna din aceasta saptamana. Am povestit despre trairile frumoase pe care le-am simtit sapatamana aceasta si ne-am promis reciproc sa ne vizitam intr-o zi. In jurul orei 12:00 ne-am culcat.

Ziua7-17 februarie

Acesta a fost cel mai trist moment din toata saptamana pentru ca a trebuit sa ne luam la revedere de la prietenii nostri, dar le-am promis ca ne vom revede. Ne-am urcat in tren si dupa 4 ore am ajuns la Roma. Am vizitat cateva obiective turistice cum ar fi Colloseumul si Columna lui Traian. Am facut multe poze si am luat pranzul la un restaurant langa Colloseum.
La ora 16:00 am mers la aeroport. Am ajuns in Romania  la ora 21:30. Eram putin obositi, dar foarte ericiti pentru ca am avut ocazia sa traim aceasta experienta minunata, si mai mult decat atat, aum faceam parte dintr-o mare familie internationala!
Acest proiect a fost cea mai frumoasa experienta din viata mea si mi-ar plaea sa perticip si la alte proiecte de acest gen pentru a retrai emotiile pe care le-am trait in aceasta saptamana!

Day 1-11th February
Our train arrived  in the train station around 14:30 and we were a little bit nervous because we wanted to meet our host families. In a short time I saw my host student and his parents. They seemed to be friendly people and they were very communicative.
We arrived at home and they impressed me with their hospitality. The house is big, it has 2 floors, but it is very beautiful. They have also a pet, a very fat cat!
After we had the lunch, I and Luca, my host student were in the centr of Pisa to see some objectives and after this we have gone to eat a pizza. Luca is so funny and communicative. He makes me feel good! Luca and I have similar hobbies; we like cycling, but he does this sport at a pro level, we like ski and diving and I promised Luca to ski together one day!
We arrived at home at 7 p.m. and we had the dinner together at 8 p.m. it was a good moment to socialize more with Luca and his parents. The conclusion after the first day is that Luca and his parents are very friendly and sociable and they make me feel a part of their family!

 Day 2-12th February
I woke up at 7 a.m. and we had the breakfast around 7:15. After the breakfast Luca and I went to school by bike and participated at some of Luca’s classes.  The school system is similar with Romanian school system but in Italy is more communication between teacher and the students.
At 9 a.m. we had a school tour with the Italian students and I saw that they have a beautiful school.  The flight simulator impressed me the most because I think it is a funny activity, so the students can learn something in a practical and funny way.
After the school tour we had to present our schools, cities and countries. I saw many interesting presentations but the Hungarian school impressed me the most!
After that, we had a break and we did the city tour. Pisa is a beautiful city with a beautiful history! We visited some medieval and Renascentist monuments, but the most beautiful was the cathedral! The architecture and the pictures show the great history of Italy. I saw even the mummy of the patron of Pisa inside the cathedral.
After the city tour, Luca, his friends and I went in the city centre to a caffee and we socialized more. All the Luca’s friends are sociable and they are happy to make new friends!
Luca and I came home at 7 p.m. and we had the dinner at 8 p.m.
It was a funny day and I had many things to learn!

Day 3-13th February
Luca and I woke up and we had the breakfast. After that Luca’s mother brought us to school by car because we were in a hurry.
At school we had 2 workshops about racism and discrimination and how to stop this things. We also learnt the difference between stereotype and prejudice. It was really funny and interesting because we socialized with other students and it was an interactive lesson.
After the workshops we had some sportive activities like basketball, volleyball, table tennis and juggling. It was really funny to play these sports with people from different countries and I was happy to discover that it doesn’t matters what language you speak because the sport is the same in all the countries. Around 6p.m. we went in the city centre to drink something and to do some shopping. It was funny not because we went shopping, but because we were together and all of us were happy! We had already become like brothers and sisters, and it was amazing!
Around 7p.m. Luca and I went home and we had the dinner. After that, Luca and I palyed with the cat and we shared some experiences from our lifes. We went to sleep around 10:00 p.m.
Day 4-14th February

We woke up,we had the breakfast and around 8 a.m we went to the train station to go in Florence. We meet Luca’s mates and teachers in the train station and we got on the train. We arrived in Florence around 10:30 a.m. The Florence is a beautiful city, I went on the cobbled streets and I Felt the medieval atmosphere  of the old Florence. The buildings’ architecture impressed me and the statues too, because I have seen them only in photos.
We ate some ice cream in the city centre and we did some shopping. We arrived back to Pisa around 6 p.m. and we remained in the city centre to spend some time together. I had already felt a part of a big teen family! I think it will be very hard to come back in Romania…
At 8 p.m. Luca and I went home to have the dinner.

Day 5-15th February
We woke up, we had the breakfast and we went to school. At school, we had an interesting workshop where we tried to discover the country origin of some songs and what feelings gave them to us. I was surprised to discover that it’s not necessary to speak a language to understand the message of a song. The music means more than a language, the music means a feeling!
After the workshop, we had a break and after that we went to the Verdi Theatre. There we had a really funny workshop with a theatre teacher and we learnt that the theatre doesn’t means that someone needs to win. The theatre means a good feeling and we all are winners in theatre, it doesn’t matters if we are actors or simply audience.
After this workshop, around 17:30, we went in the city centre and we spent some time together, trying to make the beautiful moments of our lifes!
At 8:30 p.m. Luca and I went home and we had the dinner together. We told Luca’s parents about our day and about the beautiful moments spent together!
It was a beautiful day and I am a little bit hard because I must come back to Romania.

Day 6- 16th February
After we had the breakfast, Luca and I went to school. From school we went to the city hall for a conference with the mayor. It was a beautiful experience for us because in this way we saw that this type of projects are important for Italy.
After the conference, we went to the train station to go to Lucca, another medieval city. I learnt some history visiting Lucca and I improved my general culture. We visited some important points in Lucca and also a museum. We had some time to walk along the streets and to discover the magical beauty of this city. Because it was the last day together, we tried to spend more time together and to live beautiful moments together.
In the evening, we came back to Pisa and we went to have the dinner together. It was a beautiful moment, but also a sad moment because we didn’t know if we will see again and when we will see again. We tried to live the lasts moments together in the most beautiful way, singing and laughing and we promised that we will see agin one day and we will live again this beautiful emotions. We tried not to cry but many of us cried so much and I was one of the people who cried a lot because I made many true friends. I promised me to come back in Italy and to visit all my friends!
After the dinner, Luca and I went home and we spent the last time together remembering the beautiful moments of this week we go to sleep around 00:00.

 Day 7- 17th February
That was the saddest moment of this week because we need to say „Good bye” to our friends, but I promised them that we will see again. We got on our train and after 4 hours we arrived to Rome. We visited with our teacher some objectives in Rome like the Colosseum and the column. We took many photos and we ate to a restaurant near the Colosseum.
At 4 p.m. we went to the airport to get the airplane to Romania.
We arrived in Romania at 21:30 alittle bit tired  but very happy that we lived this beautiful experience but more because we from this week, we are a little part of an international big family!
This meeting was the most beautiful experience of my life and I want to take part to another projects to live another one these beautiful emotions!





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Reuniune transnationala de proiect, 6,7,8 Noiembrie, 2017, Oltenita, Romania